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Gekken & Specialisten

Toneelhuis, Timeau De Keyser, tibaldus

Timeau De Keyser and tibaldus are temporarily sidelining their favourite playwright Witold Gombrowicz and plunging into Gekken & Specialists (Madmen & Specialists) by Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka.
This play from 1970 shows the conflict between a father and son who come back home from a war after a long time. The son – the Specialist and a former surgeon – has meanwhile become the head of the military intelligence service; he now operates on behalf of a fascistic system in which he firmly believes. The father, formerly also a doctor, is now a Madman who has lost all belief in any system, also that of science and progress. He turns out to be a self-appointed prophet of his own nihilistic religion who even refuses to believe in anything at all anymore. Circling around father and son are mutilated characters, grotesque human-objects that are repeatedly conscripted by various systems. 
Gekken & Specialisten uses nonsense and word play to unmask our society as an everlasting power struggle between belief systems each claiming to be the one and only truth. What with Gekken & Specialisten on the one hand and texts by Friedrich Nietzsche on the other, tibaldus is staging its most dark production thus far. The company is once again working with a large group of talented actors in a musical approach to the text and a dynamic mise-en-scène. 


  • Wole Soyinka


  • Marijke Emeis


  • Simon De Winne
  • Hans Mortelmans
  • Timeau De Keyser


  • Timeau De Keyser


  • Marjan De Schutter
  • Lieselotte De Keyzer
  • Simon De Winne
  • Hans Mortelmans
  • Katrien Valckenaers
  • Anna Franziska Jäger
  • Ferre Marnef
  • Hendrik Van Doorn
  • Sander De Winne

vocal guide

  • Sander De Winne

light design

  • Luc Schaltin


  • Toneelhuis
  • P.U.L.S. - Project for Upcoming Artists for the Large Stage


  • tibaldus

with the support of

  • deAuteurs
  • de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid
  • Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter powered by Belfius

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There are no upcoming activities for this event.

  1. Thursday 17 September 2020 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  2. Friday 18 September 2020 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  3. Wednesday 30 September 2020 — 21h00 — CAMPO nieuwpoort, Gent
  4. Thursday 1 October 2020 — 20h30 — CAMPO nieuwpoort, Gent
  5. Friday 2 October 2020 — 20h30 — CAMPO nieuwpoort, Gent
  6. Thursday 15 October 2020 — 20h00 — 30CC/Schouwburg, Leuven
  7. Cancelled: Thursday 29 October 2020 — 20h00 — CC Brugge/Stadsschouwburg, Brugge
  8. Cancelled: Thursday 19 November 2020 — 20h30 — CC De Herbakker, Eeklo
  9. Cancelled: Friday 20 November 2020 — 20h00 — CC Ter Vesten, Beveren
  10. Cancelled: Tuesday 15 December 2020 — 20h30 — Kaaitheater, Brussel
  11. Cancelled: Wednesday 16 December 2020 — 20h30 — Kaaitheater, Brussel
  12. Cancelled: Wednesday 3 February 2021 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  13. Cancelled: Thursday 4 February 2021 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  14. Cancelled: Saturday 13 February 2021 — 20h30 — CC Zwaneberg, Heist-Op-Den-Berg

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