

Toneelhuis, Benjamin Verdonck, Nieuwpoorttheater

On the way

From somewhere to somewhere else

There are strings and things

Day and night in dark woods

Rain and animals that speak

A ship, a white horse

And the disconsolate thought

That a man possesses four things

Which are useless on the mainland

A rudder

An anchor


And the terror of sinking

“A unique world is brought to life by old lumber and awkward strings. (…) Intriguing, uncomfortable, childish and mysterious. The show fires the imagination in an almost childish way and enchants all the same.” - Elke Van Campenhout - De Standaard

“A theatre poem made up of extraordinary images. This unique ‘standalone’ performance can scarcely be described. (…) Benjamin Verdonck has never been promising: everything of his I've seen was excellent and he keeps on getting better. (…) Benjamin Verdonck is – one could say, to try and place him in a tradition – the Buster Keaton of the Flemish and Dutch theatre.” - Martin Schouten - De Tijd


  • Valentine Kempynck
  • Benjamin Verdonck


  • Herman Verdonck
  • Benjamin Verdonck
  • Tomas De Smet


  • Karel Clemminck

production management

  • Manu Devriendt


  • Nieuwpoorttheater
  • Toneelhuis
  • Toneelhuis
  • Benjamin Verdonck
  • Nieuwpoorttheater

All data

There are no upcoming activities for this event.

  1. Tuesday 7 February 2006 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  2. Wednesday 8 February 2006 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  3. Thursday 9 February 2006 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  4. Friday 10 February 2006 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  5. Saturday 11 February 2006 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  6. Wednesday 19 September 2007 — De Schuur, Haarlem
  7. Thursday 20 September 2007 — De Schuur, Haarlem
  8. Saturday 6 October 2007 — Victoria, Gent
  9. Thursday 18 October 2007 — Black Box Teater, Oslo, Oslo
  10. Friday 19 October 2007 — Black Box Teater, Oslo, Oslo
  11. Saturday 20 October 2007 — Black Box Teater, Oslo, Oslo
  12. Monday 12 November 2007 — Brut Theater, Wien, Wenen
  13. Tuesday 13 November 2007 — Brut Theater, Wien, Wenen
  14. Thursday 20 December 2007 — Theater De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg
  15. Tuesday 4 March 2008 — Merlin Theater, Budapest
  16. Wednesday 5 March 2008 — Merlin Theater, Budapest
  17. Sunday 9 March 2008 — coStA, CO St.-Andries, Antwerpen
  18. Tuesday 11 March 2008 — Corso, Berchem
  19. Wednesday 12 March 2008 — Schouwburg De Kern, Wilrijk
  20. Friday 14 March 2008 — Scheld'Apen, Antwerpen
  21. Sunday 16 March 2008 — CC Ter Rivieren, Deurne
  22. Wednesday 14 May 2008 — Theater aan het Vrijthof, Maastricht
  23. Wednesday 4 June 2008 — Festival Internacional de las Artes de Castilla y León, Salamanca
  24. Friday 26 September 2008 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  25. Friday 26 September 2008 — 21h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  26. Saturday 27 September 2008 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  27. Saturday 27 September 2008 — 21h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen

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