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Looking for habibi

Toneelhuis, Dood Paard, Mokhallad Rasem, Kuno Bakker, Janneke Remmers

Three actors, a singer and a musician are looking for love. 

Together, they reflect on this big emotion that can direct itself toward so much. The child you bring into the world, the person you live with, the land you live on. But also the country in which you were born, the chair your father always sat on, the smell of rosemary, the gun you use to kill your enemy. 

Using text, vocals and sound, they formulate images on a landscape of sand.

Feelings live in people, but people live in their love.
That is not a metaphor, but reality: love is not so bound to the ‘I‘ that it can only have ‘you’ as its object; it exists between the ‘I’ and the ‘you’.

Looking for habibi is the last part of a trilogy. After meeting in De verse tijd and living together in Homemade, Mokhallad Rasem and Kuno Bakker are now investigating love, in collaboration with actor Janneke Remmers, vocalist Britt Truyts and instrumentalist Peter Verhelst. 

by and with

  • Mokhallad Rasem
  • Kuno Bakker
  • Britt Truyts
  • Janneke Remmers
  • Peter Verhelst


  • Toneelhuis
  • Dood Paard

with the support of

  • de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid
  • Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter

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There are no upcoming activities for this event.

  1. Thursday 21 April 2022 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  2. Friday 22 April 2022 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  3. Saturday 23 April 2022 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  4. Sunday 24 April 2022 — 15h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  5. Thursday 28 April 2022 — 20h30 — Frascati, Amsterdam
  6. Friday 29 April 2022 — 20h30 — Frascati, Amsterdam
  7. Saturday 30 April 2022 — 20h30 — Frascati, Amsterdam
  8. Friday 6 May 2022 — 20h30 — Theater De Lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort
  9. Saturday 7 May 2022 — 20h00 — Theater De Verbeelding, Purmerend
  10. Wednesday 11 May 2022 — 20h30 — Theater Ins Blau, Leiden
  11. Thursday 12 May 2022 — 20h30 — Cultuurpodium Groene Engel, Oss
  12. Friday 13 May 2022 — 20h15 — HNT/Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag
  13. Saturday 14 May 2022 — 20h15 — Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam
  14. Sunday 15 May 2022 — 15h00 — Bijlmer Parktheater, Amsterdam
  15. Thursday 19 May 2022 — 20h30 — Theater De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg
  16. Friday 20 May 2022 — 20h30 — Stadstheater Arnhem, Arnhem
  17. Tuesday 24 May 2022 — 20h00 — Theater Kikker, Utrecht
  18. Wednesday 25 May 2022 — 20h00 — Theater Kikker, Utrecht
  19. Thursday 26 May 2022 — 20h00 — Theater Kikker, Utrecht
  20. Saturday 28 May 2022 — 20h30 — MIMIK, Deventer
  21. Tuesday 31 May 2022 — 20h30 — Corrosia, Almere
  22. Friday 3 June 2022 — 20h30 — Chassé Theater, Breda
  23. Cancelled: Saturday 11 June 2022 — 20h15 — theater arsenaal, Mechelen
  24. Cancelled: Sunday 12 June 2022 — 14h30 — de meervaart, Amsterdam
  25. Friday 9 September 2022 — 19h30 — Chassé Theater, Breda
  26. Sunday 25 September 2022 — 19h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  27. Cancelled: Friday 28 October 2022 — 20h30 — CC Gildhof, Tielt

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