Muziekrepetities voor Van den vos in Berlijn

Een jaar of vijf geleden stelde Liesa Van der Aa voor aan FC Bergman om samen “iets te maken”. Een opera, of alleszins iets met muziek. Dat “iets met muziek” zou na enkele rake vergaderingen voortaan Van den vos als werktitel dragen, naar het middeleeuwse dierdicht Van de vos Reynaerde; het zou dan wel geen opera pur sang worden, maar een muziektheatervoorstelling.

The idea matured over the years and because of the constant input of new ideas, the project continued to evolve.

Five years on and Van den vos will have its première at the Bourla on December 5th. FC Bergman is directing, designing and performing it, supported by voice artist Gregory Frateur (Dez Mona), Viviane De Muynck and Dirk Roofthooft and a whole host of other actors and extras. The musicians of the Berlin-based chamber orchestra Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop will perform the music live. Josse De Pauw wrote the libretto.

Liesa Van der Aa wrote the music with Michael Rauter and Daniella Strasfogel of the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop. In October rehearsals were held at the Berliner Festspiele with the ensemble and Gregory Frateur. Liesa Van der Aa and Daniella Strasfogel chaired the rehearsals and you see Michaël Rauter on the cello. The first test recordings of the music were made in a studio in the Funkhaus Berlin. Back home in Antwerp, FC Bergman used those recordings to continue work on the show with the actors. This week the two main components finally come together and rehearsals with actors and musicians are taking place at the Bourla. Now nothing stands between them and the première.

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